Working hard, playing hard, learning hard and laughing hard. That's our motto. And yes, indeed, that's a lot of 'hard.' Because it's fun to put your best efforts in whatever you do. And life is too short to not live it to the max. We are growing fast and are in constant need for new legal streetfighter talent.

The clients we fight for are both small and medium-sized companies and organizations, active in technology, loyalty & incentives, healthcare, production, finance, hospitality & entertainment, or any other sector. This means that it is great if you know one or more sectors like the back of your hand, but that you should also not be afraid to explore new territory.

It goes without saying that you are legally trained. That's a no-brainer. This means that you are a specialist in one or more legal fields. That is your strength, that is your basis from which you start. However, you are always able to translate your expertise into the experiences of customers. Being the smartest boy or girl in the class is great fun, but we fight for others and if we don't get those others on board, we will get nowhere.

Life and work experience is always useful. One is a lawyer with proverbial war stripes on his or her toga. The other is a seasoned corporate lawyer who not only knows the tricks of the trade, but also knows how to use the whip himself. That works wonderfully together. But Kaunsel also needs young “eager beavers”. Hungry for knowledge and experience. Willing to learn and work hard for it. And what has already been mentioned applies here too: not afraid to explore new territory. That's really important as a legal street fighter.

You can therefore conclude that in addition to your specialty, your personality and style also play a major role in being that legal street fighter. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be afraid or nervous. Those who are fearless have nothing to lose. And we always have something to lose. It does mean that you take a deep breath, look at yourself in the mirror and say “screw it, let's do it”. That's the adventurism we're looking for.

Finally: of course we understand that terms such as “amice” and “confrère” are used in the legal field, between colleagues. Playing with language is a lot of fun. But we focus on the effect of what we do and write, and it is often the case that speaking your native language does better than these kinds of "bleriehooray" terms.

Still not deterred? Would you like to get to know us? Complete the contact form below, and let's meet!

Privacy expert

A Privacy Expert that stays on top of privacy-related laws and regulations in Europe as...
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Contracting lawyer

A commercial animal turned lawyer, having a preference for negotiating and contracting in business environments...
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IT Lawyer

A commercially thinking lawyer with a full focus on information technology related legal subjects: You...
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